Monday, March 19, 2012

Reason 8: Word Associations

Me: Ok, so to find some key words, we could do a word association. I'll say a word, and you say the first word that comes to your mind. Ready? Political.

Student: Suicide!!!

Can't really fault them for this one.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Reason 7: Don't Resort to Cannibalism

I have a typical valediction as I am leaving the room for any reason, and it looks something like this:

Me: "Don't get crazy, set the room on fire or resort to cannibalism."

*Students grin with a mischievous look.*

As I return to the room 3 minutes later, I am greeted by standing applause, so naturally I take a bow.

Me: "What's this for?"

Student: "Well you told us not to resort to cannibalism, so logically we applaud that."

*Ah yes, the logic of a teenager.*

Reason 6: How Teenage Girls Relate to Chemistry

Me: "Ok, so here are 3 compounds you might know."

*Writing NaCl, H2O and SiO2 on the white board*

Me: " Does anyone know what the first one is?"

Student: "It's table salt."

Me: "Good! What about the second one?"

Student: "Water!"

Me: "Yep, and the last one is a little tricky, has anyone ever seen this one before?"

*Silence as student squint and wrinkle their brows in thought*

Me: "It's silicon dioxide, it makes up quartz. They use it in glass making, and it's a big component of sand."

*More silence as this idea sinks in*

Student: "So basically, it's the chemical composition of the beach, right?"

Me: "Well...I guess it is...."

*Only in a girls high school class*

Reason 5: What's a....???

Me: "You know, thinking behooves us."

Student: "What's a bahoovah?"

Me: "A what?"

Student: "You said 'thinking bahoovah's.' What's a bahoovah?"
Me: "Oh my..."