Thursday, December 15, 2011

Reason 2: The teachers are circling

Reason 2: 
Today while standing in the parking lot with three other teachers, I noticed a student standing beside her car performing mutual tonsil exams with her boyfriend. Understand that this was in a mostly empty, after 5:00 PM parking lot. The only people in the parking lot were the two lovebirds, and my comrades and I. So it was painfully obvious to anyone with moderately decent vision.
I was not surprised as I had seen the same event the day before with the same couple. I sent a text the day before to the student that simply said, "Santa is watching."

Today however, in my present company I posed the question, " If you saw a student making out in the parking lot would you say something?" All the teachers agreed that they would say something. This of course peaked curiosity, and with the fluidity that a flock of birds or a school of fish might have moving simultaneously, all of my companions turned to observe the indiscretion.

Teacher 1: *begins waving across the parking lot at the lovebirds*
Teachers 2, 3, and myself: *Join in waving like the Beverly Hillbillies during the closing credits*

Lovebirds take no notice.

Teacher 1: *sets off car alarm*
Teachers 2, 3, and myself: *set off respective car alarms*

Lovebirds don't even pause to come up for air.

Teacher 2: "What do you think? Circle them in the cars?"
Teachers 1, 3, and myself: *Agree and head to respective cars led by Teacher 1*

So at this point the four teachers, like knights mounting up their steeds for battle, get in their cars and begin driving toward the lonely lovebirds. We surrounded the students, did two quick passes, circling like sharks in the water with the scent of blood, all this while making gag faces and honking our horns like crazy people.

The students seemed to take the public shaming of four of their teachers driving circles around their impromptu rendezvous honking and gagging with a fair amount of humor at the sight. While I am sure anyone watching this probably thought it was some kind of student hazing. Too bad it was really collective teacher shaming.

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