Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Reason 22: What's a ....

Doing a virtual lab in class, when a question arises:

Student: Mrs.Smith? What's a pair-uh-micky-uhm?

Me: A what?!?

Student: Repeats the same odd word.

Me: Ok, spell the word for me.

Student: P-a-r-a-m-e-c-i-u-m

Me: Oh my....

Reason 21: Iron Pots

Actual question on a virtual lab: What makes up an iron pot?

Student: Iron particles and pot particles.

Me: *Raising eyebrow*

Reason 20: Half Life, Half Right

We were going over half life, and one specific question resulted in a certain number of half lives.

Me: Ok, so after that amount of time, how much of the original mass should you have left?

Student: One thirty-tooth! *meaning 1/32*

Me: *Face/Palm* Your mother is weeping somewhere and she doesn't know why.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Reason:19 How do you spell?

Me: So CFC's are the molecules responsible for depleting ozone. Make you note card about ozone and CFC's. 

Student: How do you spell that?

Me: *befuddled look* C---F---C?

Eruptions of laughter.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Reason 18: Your mom's a....

We are playing a review game for our first test on Astronomy. Our game consists of two teams that send a player up to a stool with their hands behind their back. The object of the game is to take the eraser that is on the stool first if you know the answer to the question. If you miss the question, then the entire other team is allowed to help their player. 

Two students stand ready for their question.

Me: What type of star has the greatest luminosity?

Student taking the eraser: William!

Me: What? No. (William being one of the 24 guys in my third period)

Same student: Yeah huh, he's a gas giant!

Random student in the peanut gallery: Your mom's a gas giant!

After I picked myself up off the floor from incapacitating laughter....I gave the first kid the point.

Reason 17: What kind of forest?

We are discussing different types of biomes in my class with a chart that shows precipitation and temperature. It is a pretty easy to read chart, so I am asking some questions about the different types.

Me: What kind of biome gets the most rainfall?

Student: Tropical rainforest.

Me: Good. Ok, which type of biome do we live in?

Student: Temperate Delicious Forest.

Me: Well, almost....

Uproarious laughter ensues.