Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Reason 18: Your mom's a....

We are playing a review game for our first test on Astronomy. Our game consists of two teams that send a player up to a stool with their hands behind their back. The object of the game is to take the eraser that is on the stool first if you know the answer to the question. If you miss the question, then the entire other team is allowed to help their player. 

Two students stand ready for their question.

Me: What type of star has the greatest luminosity?

Student taking the eraser: William!

Me: What? No. (William being one of the 24 guys in my third period)

Same student: Yeah huh, he's a gas giant!

Random student in the peanut gallery: Your mom's a gas giant!

After I picked myself up off the floor from incapacitating laughter....I gave the first kid the point.

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